Late last year, after a long campaign, South Australia became the first (and only) Australian jurisdiction to ban spit hoods in law. Wayne Fella Morrison was 29 years old when he died in custody after being handcuffed and put in a spit hood. His family fought for five years to see Fella’s Bill passed and spit hoods banned in South Australia.
Now, we have an opportunity to build on the momentum that’s started in South Australia and campaign for a ban on spit hoods, nation wide.
(If you live in South Australia, click here to email the Cth Govt and call on them to show leadership in calling for a national-ban)
Late last year, after a long campaign, South Australia became the first (and only) Australian jurisdiction to ban spit hoods in law. Wayne Fella Morrison was 29 years old when he died in custody after being handcuffed and put in a spit hood. His family fought for five years to see Fella’s Bill passed and spit hoods banned in South Australia.
Now, we have an opportunity to build on the momentum that’s started in South Australia and campaign for a ban on spit hoods, nation wide.
(If you live in South Australia, click here to email the Cth Govt and call on them to show leadership in calling for a national-ban)
Email your local MP and call on them to legislate to ban spit-hoods in your state or territory.
Spit hoods are dangerous, cruel and humiliating devices that have been implicated in the deaths of First Nations people. There is no safe, or decent, way to use a spit hood. That is why we are calling for Commonwealth, state and territory governments to legislate to ban spit hoods everywhere.