A National Safety Plan FOR and BY First Nations women

A National Safety Plan FOR and BY First Nations women

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have been crystal clear: we need a standalone National action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.

We call on the state, territory and Commonwealth governments to hand the reigns back to First Nations women and the life-saving services that we deliver in our communities, and commit to a National Safety Plan FOR and BY First Nations women. 

Campaign update: community campaigning has pushed the Morrison Government to commit to a standalone Action Plan for First Nations women - but it's still a subset of the mainstream plan. We deserve to be more than a footnote. We are calling for a separate National Action Plan designed BY us, FOR us. 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have been crystal clear: we need a standalone National action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.

We call on the state, territory and Commonwealth governments to hand the reigns back to First Nations women and the life-saving services that we deliver in our communities, and commit to a National Safety Plan FOR and BY First Nations women. 

Campaign update: community campaigning has pushed the Morrison Government to commit to a standalone Action Plan for First Nations women - but it's still a subset of the mainstream plan. We deserve to be more than a footnote. We are calling for a separate National Action Plan designed BY us, FOR us. 

Call for a National Safety Plan for and by First Nations Women

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women have been crystal clear: we need a standalone National action plan for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and children.

Ministers Ruston, Payne and Prime Minister Scott Morrison said they were listening to our calls at the Women's Safety Summit - so now we need to make sure they follow through with action, and commit to a dedicated National Safety Plan developed by us. This will ensure that self-determined solutions to eliminate violence are listened to and invested in.

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Email Tips +

  • Personalise the email! We have included some template text but the most effective emails will be customised by you
  • Introduce yourslf - let them know who you are, where you live and why you care
  • Always be polite - the decision-maker and their staff will stop reading if you are rude or aggressive 
  • Keep the ask simple and clear: we want a dedicated National Safety Plan FOR and BY First Nations women